트위터 스캇 | 일반인은 모르는 트위터의 충격적인 음지문화 108 개의 자세한 답변

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#스캇 – Twitter Search / Twitter

Federal Member for Cook. Authorised by S. Morrison, Liberal Party, Canberra.

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Date Published: 8/12/2022

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#스캇 – Twitter Search / Twitter

The latest Tweets on #스캇. … The real Scott Steiner AKA Big Poppa Pump, The Big Bad Booty Daddy, Freakzilla, Genetic Freak- Pro Wrestler – World Champion …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

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Date Published: 2/10/2022

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#스캇 – Twitter Search / Twitter

The latest Tweets on #스캇. Read what people are saying and join the conversation.

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Date Published: 9/29/2021

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변비 스캇 (@scat429) / Twitter

변비 스캇. @scat429. 변비있는 스캇러 멘션외에 소통 안합니다ㅠ 혹시 모를 계폭사태를 대비해 피난처. @scat428. Joined November 2020.

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Date Published: 7/21/2022

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스캇매니악 on Twitter: “예전에 구매했던 극상 퀄리티 대변과 …

물기만 제거하고 크게 한 입 베어무니, 입 안에 눅진하고 깊은 맛이 퍼져 바로 사정할 뻔 했다 #스캇 #스캇플 #대변 #소변 #식분 #scat https://t.co/ElU9RzQK8E” / …

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Date Published: 1/22/2021

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스캇 개좋음 on Twitter: “@QtRD8t0PT5Ny5ye 뭐죠” / Twitter

똥싸는여자 · @QtRD8t0PT5Ny5ye. ·. Sep 11, 2020. 헤헤. Image. 7. 2. 30. 스캇 개좋음 · @scatlove16. Replying to. @QtRD8t0PT5Ny5ye.

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Date Published: 8/15/2022

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스캇 알톤스포츠 트위터 기장점 – 네이버 MY플레이스

스캇 알톤 트위터 자전거 판매점. 블로그. 블로그. 2022 스캇 910. 2022 스캇 스케일 910 전동 변속기입니다 가격은 5.200.000만원 문의주세요. 2021.12.09.

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Source: m.place.naver.com

Date Published: 11/24/2022

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How To Twitter – First Steps and a Twitter Glossary

UPDATE: Want more advanced Twitter Tips? … Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, …

+ 자세한 내용은 여기를 클릭하십시오

Source: www.hanselman.com

Date Published: 2/13/2021

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주제와 관련된 이미지 트위터 스캇

주제와 관련된 더 많은 사진을 참조하십시오 일반인은 모르는 트위터의 충격적인 음지문화. 댓글에서 더 많은 관련 이미지를 보거나 필요한 경우 더 많은 관련 기사를 볼 수 있습니다.

일반인은 모르는 트위터의 충격적인 음지문화
일반인은 모르는 트위터의 충격적인 음지문화

주제에 대한 기사 평가 트위터 스캇

  • Author: 물음표
  • Views: 조회수 73,268회
  • Likes: 좋아요 294개
  • Date Published: 2022. 3. 11.
  • Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1mE3_PicAc

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How To Twitter – First Steps and a Twitter Glossary

UPDATE: Want more advanced Twitter Tips?

We’re having loads of fun over on Twitter. I’ve blogged about it before and how it’s a conversation starter, a message bus, a subject tagger and conference organizer and a link sharing service. It’s a river of uselessfulness and truthiness. It’s a permanent cocktail party where you know some folks, and don’t know others. Some are famous, some are your friends. There’s a the constant background of overheard conversations, except on Twitter, it’s socially acceptable, nay, encouraged, to jump in. No need to say, “oh, I couldn’t help but overheard, excuse me but…”

A Twitter Glossary

UPDATE: Readers point out there’s also a very good “Twictionary” that’s much more complete at http://twictionary.pbwiki.com/ so check it out also!


When you say something on twitter, it has to be under 140 characters. That’s a hard limit. What you say is called a tweet. It’s a noun and a verb. “Oh, I saw this tweet…” and “He was tweeting all day.”

Alternatively, some folks say “twittered” as in “I am twittering” and “I sent a twitter.” I would say this is not typical.

Twitter is permanent (so far) so every tweet has a permalink. That means that every single tweet you put out there is now something that can be linked to, for example, this one: http://twitter.com/shanselman/status/1178002576. This immediately makes twitter different from IRC or other chat systems. That tweet is public and it’s out there and it’s web searchable.

I have always said, don’t give bile a permalink. If you’re a jerk on Twitter (and you care) it’s in the record. Tweet positively.


A twoosh is a tweet that is exactly 140 characters, no more no less. You’ve maximized the size of your tweet. Some folks believe this is a sign of skill. You’ll tweet and learn that it’s usually luck.


People on Twitter. ‘Nuff said.


When Tweeple meet in person.

Twitter Client

While you can read tweets and tweet yourself at http://www.twitter.com and http://m.twitter.com on your phone, most folks use a Twitter Client that talks to the Twitter API. Just like you can read your email on the web, but many folks use an email client.

There’s lots of them…here’s the top 100 twitter clients.

Me, I like:

Windows Mobile – Tiny Twitter – fast and small and basic.

– fast and small and basic. iPhone – TwitterFon – simple and clean, lets you do everything you can on the web and more.

– simple and clean, lets you do everything you can on the web and more. Power User – TweetDeck – powerful as it lets you have multiple columns for search terms you want to monitor.

– powerful as it lets you have multiple columns for search terms you want to monitor. Most Pretty (Vista) – Chirp – Missing some functionality, but it’s gorgeous.

– Missing some functionality, but it’s gorgeous. .NET Educational – Witty – A free open source client for XP and Vista written in WPF

I use TweetDeck the most.

Followers and Following

When you “follow” someone, you are saying you want them to appear in your “timeline” of friends. I follow something like 500 people. It’s like subscribing to a blog you’re interested in. However, I have more than 500 people following me…but (here’s the important part) I don’t need to follow everyone back.

If you follow everyone and keep some 1:1 ratio between who you follow and who follows you, that will render your main timeline useless. Follow who is interesting to you, but make sure you can see the @replies from folks you don’t follow. This leads me to:


When you want to reply to someone, you hit the little reply arrow in your client or on the web. The client will insert that users name with an @ sign, like @shanselman. It will also populate some hidden metadata indicating which tweet you were replying to. It’s helpful to reply to specific tweets as it makes the conversation easier to follow later. Often newbies reply to the most recent tweet, but then make reference to tweets from days before.

For maximum social-ness, the first setting you should change when you sign up for Twitter is your @replies setting. Set it to show replies from anyone rather than just the replies from people you follow. Otherwise you’ll miss out on a lot of the conversation.

I can see your replies even if I don’t follow you. You don’t need permission from me or anyone to reply and jump into a conversation.


If you want to watch the replies for a Twitter user that is not you, you can use http://search.twitter.com or a new column in TweetDeck. For example, here’s me: http://search.twitter.com/search?q=shanselman. By searching for the string “shanselman” you can see both replies as well as mentions, like http://search.twitter.com/search?q=hanselman. Often new folks try to reply but mention your name rather than correctly using the @shanselman syntax.

You can also subscribe to an RSS feed for search.twitter.com queries. But it’s not just for ego-surfing. I also watch for diabetes and asp.net. You get the idea.

Retweet or RT

When you see a tweet you really like, you can “retweet” it. Usually newbies will over-retweet, so watch for that.

The idea is that if @foo has 100 followers and @bar has 100 different followers and @foo retweets @bar’s tweet, the idea is magnified, and may go viral.

If you care, there are tools to measure and track retweets. I don’t care. I’m in it for the conversation and the sharing. If something strikes you as awesome, retweet it. Many Twitter clients have a “retweet” button now that will do this for you.

Twitter #Hashcodes

Sometimes you’ll see a tweet like

Having fun at #mix09


bill gates mosquitoes / unleashed on #ted audience / where is the ‘green’ deet #haiku

The hashcode is an informal way to “tag” something to a category or categories. For example, the second tweet there refers to both the Ted conference and marks the tweet as a Haiku. (Haiku on Twitter are called “Twaiku” but that’s pretty geeky. 😉

Hashcodes can help you be social at a conference like #oscon or #mix09 but they can also create informal “chat rooms” like for the show #lost or to find folks that share a common interest like:

any #women out there who are #runners? Trying to get some more ideas for my blog.

When I got to a conference I always ask around for the conference hashcode, then create a search so I can find out where folks are hanging out. It really enhances the experience.

Tiny URLs

Since you’ve only got 140 characters for a Tweet, it’s really important that you not share large URLs. Nearly everyone on Twitter will use a URL shrinking service like http://bit.ly or http://is.gd or http://tinyurl.com. Funny, TinyUrl is positively HUGE!

Make sure your client will automatically shrink URLs. Most do.

Sharing Pictures with TwitPic

There are a lot of services that “orbit” Twitter. They aren’t Twitter, and they usually aren’t affiliated with Twitter, but they enhance the service, like the tiny URL makers above.

One of these services is TwitPic. It has an API that lets you attach a photo from your client, then it’ll include a tiny link to that photo. Some clients can even extract the photo seamlessly. British entertainer Stephen Fry used Twitter and Twitpic and a mobile phone recently to tweet his way to safety whilst trapped in an elevator, er, lift.

Direct Messages

These are exactly what they sound like – private tweets between two people. The only trick here is that you can only “DM” people who follow you.

Integration with Facebook and other Social Sites

Facebook has “Status Updates” and my friends think I update my status all the time. In fact, there’s a Twitter Facebook application that you can add to your Facebook Profile so that your Facebook Status is updated with your Tweets.

I find this to be fun as it allows topics to fire up inside Facebook and lets folks who aren’t on Twitter get in on the conversation. Other social sites like FriendFeed and Live.com have similar features.


Most people try out twitter, follow a few people, tweet some, get confused or bored and never come back. Totally understandable, as it’s all a big secret handshake.

Here’s what I suggest.

Sign up Pick a Twitter Client (see list above) Don’t set the client to bother you (sound, notify, etc) every time something happens. You’ll go nuts. I set mine to notify on replies only. I check the “river of tweets” whenever I feel like it. It’s an interrupt, remember. You’ll never keep up with all the tweets. You’ll never have fun if you try to drink from the firehose, so don’t. When it bothers you, shut it down. When there’s a fun topic happening, jump in. Pick at LEAST 20 people or more to follow. Mix it up. Follow people in all of the things you’re interested in. For example, don’t just follow programmers, or famous people, or news sites.

I’ve seen folks follow just a few people, then get frustrated because they feel one person is dominating their “tweetstream.” If you follow just me and @codinghorror, you’ll immediately hate us both because it’ll seem like we tweet all day. (I don’t, honest) If you have enough people, it’ll seem more like a cocktail party with lots of folks talking, as opposed to a lecture by two obnoxious dudes.

I’ve seen folks follow just a few people, then get frustrated because they feel one person is dominating their “tweetstream.” If you follow just me and @codinghorror, you’ll immediately hate us both because it’ll seem like we tweet all day. (I don’t, honest) If you have enough people, it’ll seem more like a cocktail party with lots of folks talking, as opposed to a lecture by two obnoxious dudes. There are many famous people on twitter but there’s also lots of useful bots and news services. For example, @cnn, and @npr, but also companies with Twitter specific discounts like @DellOutlet.

Another example: I wrote a Twitter-bot that posts funny things that my 3 year old says (or yours!) and cute things that are OverheardAtHome using the totally automated Twitter name @overheardathome. Watch for other interesting people to follow. If someone you follow seems be having a conversation with someone you aren’t following, why not use the “Follow” feature of your client to listen to that new person. You can always unfollow them. Tweet smartly. Here’s a list of the top 50 most shameful tweets.

Have fun! See you on Twitter. I’m @shanselman.

키워드에 대한 정보 트위터 스캇

다음은 Bing에서 트위터 스캇 주제에 대한 검색 결과입니다. 필요한 경우 더 읽을 수 있습니다.

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사람들이 주제에 대해 자주 검색하는 키워드 일반인은 모르는 트위터의 충격적인 음지문화

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