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Date Published: 5/16/2021
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Source: www.cleanpng.com
Date Published: 9/6/2021
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Date Published: 2/11/2022
View: 4047
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주제에 대한 기사 평가 구글 로고 png
- Author: Madia Designer
- Views: 조회수 30,485회
- Likes: 좋아요 907개
- Date Published: 2020. 11. 30.
- Video Url link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiTXimmyFQE
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여기서 제공되는 파일은 구글 로고 AI 일러스트 파일과 투명 배경을 지닌 구글 로고 PNG 파일을 제공합니다.
로고 변천사를 살펴보면 1997년부터 시작해서 대략 6번정도의 변화 가 있어왔습니다.
하지만 크게 변한 건 없고, 로고에 사용된 컬러 배열 순서가 변경되거나, 그림자 유무, 글자체등만 변경해오다가 2015년, 구글은 구글 로고 디자이너를 통해서 모바일 시대로 점점 들어서는 것을 준비하여 “G” 하나로 구성된 로고로 변경을 하게 됩니다.
물론, Google 이 나온 전체 레터 로고도 사용하지만 화면이 작은 모바일 화면에서도 로고를 쉽게 확인하고 볼 수 있도록 “G”에 구글의 모든 색을 담아낸 것이죠.
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로고 비대칭 문제
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“구글은 항상 모든 사람들에게 친숙하고 단순한 스타일로 기억되고 남길 원한다. 그래서 기하학적 형태도 단순한 어린아이처럼 단순하게 결합한 특징을 가지고 이미 로고 디자인은 완벽하게 철저히 테스트 되었다” 라고 말입니다.
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Winter is the coldest season of the year in polar and temperate zones (winter does not occur in most of the tropical zone). It occurs after autumn and before spring in each year.
Google logo PNG images free download
PNG images: Google
Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, a search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware. It is considered one of the Big Five technology companies in the U.S. information technology industry, alongside Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft.
Google was founded in September 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California. Together they own about 14 percent of its shares and control 56 percent of the stockholder voting power through supervoting stock. They incorporated Google as a California privately held company on September 4, 1998. Google was then reincorporated in Delaware on October 22, 2002. An initial public offering (IPO) took place on August 19, 2004, and Google moved to its headquarters in Mountain View, California, nicknamed the Googleplex. In August 2015, Google announced plans to reorganize its various interests as a conglomerate called Alphabet Inc. Google is Alphabet’s leading subsidiary and will continue to be the umbrella company for Alphabet’s Internet interests. Sundar Pichai was appointed CEO of Google, replacing Larry Page, who became the CEO of Alphabet. In 2021, the Alphabet Workers Union was founded, mainly composed of Google employees.
The company’s rapid growth since incorporation has triggered a chain of products, acquisitions, and partnerships beyond Google’s core search engine (Google Search). It offers services designed for work and productivity (Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides), email (Gmail), scheduling and time management (Google Calendar), cloud storage (Google Drive), instant messaging and video chat (Duo, Hangouts, Chat, and Meet), language translation (Google Translate), mapping and navigation (Google Maps, Waze, Google Earth, and Street View), podcast hosting (Google Podcasts), video sharing (YouTube), blog publishing (Blogger), note-taking (Google Keep and Google Jamboard), and photo organizing and editing (Google Photos). The company leads the development of the Android mobile operating system, the Google Chrome web browser, and Chrome OS, a lightweight operating system based on the Chrome browser. Google has moved increasingly into hardware; from 2010 to 2015, it partnered with major electronics manufacturers in the production of its Nexus devices, and it released multiple hardware products in October 2016, including the Google Pixel line of smartphones, Google Home smart speaker, Google Wifi mesh wireless router, and Google Daydream virtual reality headset. Google has also experimented with becoming an Internet carrier (Google Fiber, Google Fi, and Google Station).
Google.com is the most visited website worldwide. Several other Google-owned websites also are on the list of most popular websites, including YouTube and Blogger.
Google was the most valuable brand in the world in 2017 (surpassed by Amazon), but has received significant criticism involving issues such as privacy concerns, tax avoidance, antitrust, censorship, and search neutrality.
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In this gallery “Google” we have 26 free PNG images with transparent background.
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